ABSL MF Gamification FingoMF 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of SBI HEALTHCARE Opportunities Reg Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 391.7373
24-02-2025 389.4445
21-02-2025 392.4551
20-02-2025 396.8957
19-02-2025 395.3466
18-02-2025 395.7207
17-02-2025 397.9171
14-02-2025 395.585
13-02-2025 406.3698
12-02-2025 403.6631
11-02-2025 405.9862
10-02-2025 417.3063
07-02-2025 426.1622
06-02-2025 426.6143
05-02-2025 426.7994
04-02-2025 422.0879
03-02-2025 415.1911
31-01-2025 412.2028
30-01-2025 411.019
29-01-2025 405.6871
28-01-2025 397.2075
27-01-2025 404.222
24-01-2025 413.2245
23-01-2025 419.3739
22-01-2025 414.6777
21-01-2025 416.2854
20-01-2025 419.9218
17-01-2025 416.0978
16-01-2025 416.301
15-01-2025 415.2158
14-01-2025 420.1118
13-01-2025 417.4156
10-01-2025 428.086
09-01-2025 437.4038
08-01-2025 441.2319
07-01-2025 443.2899
06-01-2025 437.1173
03-01-2025 440.2981
02-01-2025 440.559
01-01-2025 438.0069
31-12-2024 436.7181
30-12-2024 436.1606
27-12-2024 431.5427
26-12-2024 429.2692
24-12-2024 427.3301
23-12-2024 426.3597
20-12-2024 425.3358
19-12-2024 429.2021
18-12-2024 427.6247
17-12-2024 425.7208
16-12-2024 426.8942
13-12-2024 427.2306
12-12-2024 429.6703
11-12-2024 431.8896
10-12-2024 430.999
09-12-2024 431.9665
06-12-2024 431.1514
05-12-2024 431.9674
04-12-2024 431.2533
03-12-2024 428.9923
02-12-2024 427.1087
30-11-2024 422.7356
29-11-2024 422.7555
28-11-2024 414.8628
27-11-2024 416.996
26-11-2024 418.9573
25-11-2024 423.5577
22-11-2024 417.4143
21-11-2024 414.3426
19-11-2024 412.09
18-11-2024 408.6974
14-11-2024 413.2798
13-11-2024 411.9698
12-11-2024 419.4856
11-11-2024 420.1446
08-11-2024 425.9037
07-11-2024 425.3859
06-11-2024 428.5011
05-11-2024 425.1979
04-11-2024 424.9431
31-10-2024 423.8345
30-10-2024 417.6388
29-10-2024 415.2192
28-10-2024 415.3598
25-10-2024 409.4813
24-10-2024 408.9625
23-10-2024 407.2833
22-10-2024 410.5793
21-10-2024 417.8505
18-10-2024 421.0954
17-10-2024 419.3028
16-10-2024 423.0635
15-10-2024 424.7943
14-10-2024 422.8924
11-10-2024 422.1358
10-10-2024 419.6146
09-10-2024 424.2363
08-10-2024 418.5234
07-10-2024 411.7582
04-10-2024 416.5556
03-10-2024 416.8473
01-10-2024 420.9143
30-09-2024 419.5783
27-09-2024 420.1115
26-09-2024 419.3857
25-09-2024 418.8658
24-09-2024 421.4635
23-09-2024 420.9699
20-09-2024 418.9467
19-09-2024 416.3661
18-09-2024 415.8908
17-09-2024 419.8192
16-09-2024 421.4234
13-09-2024 421.683
12-09-2024 420.634
11-09-2024 416.7915
10-09-2024 417.7245
09-09-2024 412.117
06-09-2024 412.7448
05-09-2024 413.6466
04-09-2024 411.8117
03-09-2024 407.8321
02-09-2024 406.6969
31-08-2024 408.2655
30-08-2024 408.285
29-08-2024 403.469
28-08-2024 405.1014
27-08-2024 401.2303
26-08-2024 399.012
23-08-2024 398.6875
22-08-2024 396.5577
21-08-2024 395.9196
20-08-2024 394.763
19-08-2024 392.929
16-08-2024 391.3155
14-08-2024 387.5684
13-08-2024 387.8509
12-08-2024 387.5479
09-08-2024 387.7706
08-08-2024 385.4371
07-08-2024 383.9035
06-08-2024 378.9208
05-08-2024 377.0307
02-08-2024 383.6734
01-08-2024 382.8056
31-07-2024 382.8499
30-07-2024 380.2464
29-07-2024 380.3319
26-07-2024 379.532
25-07-2024 372.4302
24-07-2024 369.0991
23-07-2024 366.0021
22-07-2024 365.8479
19-07-2024 363.3985
18-07-2024 368.4571
16-07-2024 368.7393
15-07-2024 369.08
12-07-2024 366.7273
11-07-2024 367.547
10-07-2024 369.3457
09-07-2024 366.794
08-07-2024 363.2937
05-07-2024 365.4849
04-07-2024 362.7919
03-07-2024 359.7832
02-07-2024 356.8291
01-07-2024 358.5907
30-06-2024 357.5037
28-06-2024 357.5404
27-06-2024 354.6905
26-06-2024 354.6062
25-06-2024 354.1893
24-06-2024 354.5293
21-06-2024 355.6018
20-06-2024 356.0737
19-06-2024 356.5453
18-06-2024 358.9518
14-06-2024 359.7909
13-06-2024 357.5095
12-06-2024 354.6527
11-06-2024 351.7844
10-06-2024 352.7451
07-06-2024 349.8781
06-06-2024 345.8603
05-06-2024 345.8189
04-06-2024 335.066
03-06-2024 339.5097
31-05-2024 339.077
30-05-2024 339.1066
29-05-2024 342.7809
28-05-2024 342.9766
27-05-2024 343.1086
24-05-2024 342.5
23-05-2024 344.4077
22-05-2024 346.6974
21-05-2024 348.2528
17-05-2024 347.5766
16-05-2024 347.8829
15-05-2024 346.4358
14-05-2024 345.2829
13-05-2024 345.734
10-05-2024 342.5545
09-05-2024 339.352
08-05-2024 344.1157
07-05-2024 343.9412
06-05-2024 350.0541
03-05-2024 346.896
02-05-2024 346.1132
30-04-2024 346.5139
29-04-2024 348.3684
26-04-2024 345.6156
25-04-2024 344.4065
24-04-2024 343.6468
23-04-2024 340.8357
22-04-2024 340.2884
19-04-2024 337.8526
18-04-2024 340.2177
16-04-2024 343.3265
15-04-2024 342.5681
12-04-2024 345.8591
10-04-2024 349.6783
09-04-2024 349.4018
08-04-2024 350.1172
05-04-2024 347.3429
04-04-2024 347.3293
03-04-2024 346.1995
02-04-2024 346.2795
01-04-2024 346.1193
31-03-2024 343.0268
28-03-2024 343.0802
27-03-2024 339.9918
26-03-2024 337.7538

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